

20th January

NICHIREN DAISHONIN wrote, "To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith." "To continue" means to embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life and for eternity, upholding your vow of faith no matter what happens. Because of the truth of the simultaneity of cause and effect, everything is of value inherent in a single thought of faith.

IN the world of faith, we are able to accumulate blessings and virtues to the extent that we offer prayers, speak out and take action; this is in accord with the principle of cause and effect. To the same extent, we are also able to expand our spiritual horizons and solidify the path of happiness in our own lives. Absolutely no effort is wasted in the world of faith.

ALONE, one's sufferings only deepen. Hope disappears. Human beings need to be with and among other human beings. Engagement with others forges our characters and enriches us.

WHILE resonantly chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the fundamental rhythm of the universe, we work, speak and act for the development of society, world peace and the happiness of humanity. There is no more noble life than this. That is why thinking people around the world are strongly seeking out Buddhism, the supreme law that permeates life and the universe.

THROUGH home visitation, bring the light of faith to members who cannot attend meetings. Constant encouragement will accumulate and someday become a rushing a river of joy.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.