

30th January

NICHIREN DAISHONIN's Buddhism is the Buddhism of "sowing"; its purpose is to plant the seed of enlightenment, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, in the lives of all people on earth. Herein lies the fundamental cause to create the foundation of lasting, indestructible happiness for all people.

WHILE sharing your life warmly with those around you, you must also protect others, and win their sincere trust and respect. It is the basis for leadership in this age of democracy.

FAITH is an incessant struggle against growing complacency. Nichiren Daishonin stated, "Strengthen your faith day by day and month after month. Should you slacken even a bit, demons will take advantage." (MW 1, p241) He also wrote, "Hold fast to your faith so that your wish will be fulfilled." (MW 1, p125)

FAITH is absolute confidence; it is to live vibrantly. A person of faith is someone who lives one's life with unflagging hope and courage to the very end; who spreads the Mystic Law and thoroughly savours the joy deriving from the Law, leading an existence in which all wishes are fulfilled.

SINCE we have been born on this planet, let us dedicate our lives to the highest Law and advance along the path of the highest good. Please know that all of your hard work for kosen-rufu will unquestionable benefit your communities and your families, and will come back to you exponentially in the form of boundless joy and happiness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.