

7th January

WE have faith. Faith is the ultimate source of courage. Let us bring the sun of courage to blaze in our hearts and use it to brighten our communities, our families and the lives of our fellow members.

IF you only repeat what you have seen and heard, you will never advance beyond imitation. The mind is crucial. You have to experience with the mind and express with the mind in order to innovate. That requires blood, sweat and tears; it requires relentless searching and continual effort. Only then do you gradually acquire the ability to express yourself fully and naturally.

THE most fundamental thing is to have a sense of humility towards the Law and truth. It is to our own benefit to advance along the path of faith with sincere humility and a boundless seeking mind. The greater our seeking spirit, the greater the fortune we gain, and the stronger our faith will become. We will then lead a life of happiness.

AS we advance, we have no need to grieve or be afraid, no matter what may happen. This is because the more obstacles we face, the greater the happiness that we engrave in our lives become. This happiness, indestructible under any circumstances, shines ever brighter with the passage of time; its radiance becomes distinguished and expands.

WHEN you encounter a severe difficulty, you may despairingly feel that it is the end of everything and give up. However, you should never succumb to such difficulties in life. You must win by all means. If you do, you will later be able to look back with a feeling of satisfaction on your days of desperate struggle.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.