

15th April

BUDDHISM is reason, and even though you may embrace faith in the Gohonzon, you cannot progress without making effort. Rather, because you practise this faith you should redouble your effort.

WITH regards to the method of spreading the Buddhist teaching, I can see that teaching and transmitting Buddhist ideas to a wide audience through the media may indeed be one method, but to really engage each person’s heart and mind I am convinced that one-to-one dialogue is the only method. And in fact, the propagation efforts of our movement have been based on the method of personal, one-to-one contact, which has resulted in the spread of the teachings across the globe.

ONLY when you make positive efforts to develop and cultivate yourself is the true practice of the Law possible. What matters most are people. What matters is doing your human revolution. Only when you constantly struggle to achieve your own human revolution can you become a leader for a religion dedicated to the welfare of humanity.

A stone wall that seems infinitely high when seen from the ground appears no more than a slightly raised boundary line when viewed from an airplane. Similarly, if your life-condition changes for the better, so will the way you view and respond to things. You will find yourself surmounting every adversity and hardship with composure, and thoroughly enjoying the drama of life.

DIALOGUE must be conducted in a spirit of equality, with the parties involved respecting each other as equals. It must be a mutual exchange where the parties speak the truth and actual fact, and not just spout one-sided propaganda. In any event, such truly genuine dialogue is to be found in our efforts to talk to others about Buddhism and share with them our practice.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Letter to the Brothers.