

22nd April

IT is important to energetically advance based on the two ways of practice and study - that is, striving in our Buddhist practice and studying the teachings of Buddhism. We must not simply go through the motions, carrying out our organisational activities out of force of habit. We must actively practise Nichiren Daishonin's teachings ourselves and teach others about them as well, working to advance kosen-rufu as the Daishonin instructed.

LIFE is a chain. All things are related. When any link in that chain is harmed, others will be affected. We should think of the environment as our Mother - Mother Soil, Mother Sea and Mother Earth. There is no crime worse than harming one's own mother.

IT is when people are alone that you can tell whether or not they are the genuine article. A person of true substance is one who stands up alone. As long as you are merely treading water in the crowd, your position, no matter how enviable, is as insubstantial as a dream. The Buddha stands up alone. It is when we, too, stand up alone in our respective situations that we can become Buddhas.

MY most sincere hope is for your happiness. Taking care of your health, please live a long, wonderful existence in which all desires are fulfilled. The days that you dedicate for the cause of kosen-rufu are days of unsurpassed value. By living in this way, you will as a matter of course enjoy good health.

KOSEN-RUFU does not lie off in the distance. Sincerity and generous humanity towards those around you is the first step.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Letter to the Brothers.