

6th June

THOSE irresponsible in their daily lives – especially in regard to money – are never individuals of strong faith. Bear this in mind and uphold the principle of “faith equals daily life”.

FAITH enables us to develop the great state of life to experience profound joy by overcoming difficulties. The power of daimoku enables us to savour the exquisite joy of life in both suffering and pleasure. In light of the principle of ichinen sanzen, to draw forth the limitless power of Buddhism, we must possess a courageous mind.

THOSE who dwell in the world of kosen-rufu, those who spread the True Law, are the precious children of Nichiren Daishonin. And the children of the Buddha are themselves Buddhas. It is inconceivable that they could fail to become happy or that the Buddhas and heavenly deities in the 10 directions could fail to protect them. The important thing is one’s courage in faith. The protective forces in the universe increase their potency in order to safeguard a person of courage.

EVERYTHING ultimately depends on whether there is someone who is willing to wage a desperate, all out struggle, someone who will take 100 percent responsibility without relying on or leaving things to others, someone who will work with selfless dedication for the sake of the people without any concern for what others think. Such a person is a true leader and a genuine Buddhist.

A revolution in education begins with a revolution in educators themselves. In order to build a better world, it is important for us to realize that unless teachers improve, there will be no improvement in students, and if students do not improve, there wil be a dearth of capable leaders in the future. That is why we need to see a dramatic change in the attitude and quality of educators.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Opening of the Eyes.