

27th August

ONLY by means of the supreme law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can one change the suffering to which he is destined. He can also enjoy happiness throughout his life, which is the desire of all human beings. For this purpose, faith is essential.

IN many cases, other families are not practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. There is no need to worry or grow anxious about this. That is because, if we stand up earnestly and confidently in faith, we can lead all of our families and relatives in the direction of happiness and hope. We are like a solitary lighthouse on a dark night, enabling numerous ships to safely sail the seas.

GONGYO is a solemn ceremony in which we fuse our lives with the life-state of the Buddha. By steadfastly and continually carrying out the practice of gongyo and daimoku, the world of Buddhahood in our life becomes solidified, just as firmly packing a pile of earth will produce a strong foundation.

WHEN you possess a life-condition in which you can enjoy everything no matter what happens, when you have a positive outlook and wisdom – you can overcome any kind of problem or suffering. It begins with polishing yourself. This is your “human revolution”. It is the principle of ichinen sanzen (the principle which expounds that a single life-moment contains three thousand realms). By changing your ichinen, or your inner state of life, you can move everything into the best direction for your happiness.

WHEN you joyfully do gongyo and carry out activities with the determination to accumulate more good fortune in your life, the heavenly deities will be delighted and will valiantly perform their duty. If you must take some action anyway, it is your advantage that you do so spontaneously and with a feeling of joy.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.