

12th January

HAPPY are people who at the end of their days have something to leave behind. How much happier, still, are those who leave an enduring legacy in the annals of history. Glory and satisfaction belong to those who fight on undaunted by life's vicissitudes right up until they have completed building their own chosen tower.

THE way a friend helps us is as natural and spontaneous as the movement of the heavenly bodies. It enriches the soul, brings cheer and produces joy. Expanding one's circle of friendship is equal to expanding the sphere of kosen-rufu. I hope that you will develop deep heart-to-heart bonds of friendship, both within and beyond the organisation.

A person's true nobility is determined by his/her spirit and actions. And to praise and venerate those whose spirit and actions are truly noble - that is the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. You, who are striving for kosen-rufu, are the most respectworthy and admirable people of all.

IF we work hard to realise kosen-rufu, we benefit ourselves. In lifetime after lifetime, we will be reborn in the life-state of absolute happiness that is Buddhahood.

OUR goal in life is completely different from that of others. We are in no way motivated by the pursuit of worldly fame and fortune. What matters to us is having the determined spirit to achieve kosen-rufu, always revitalising ourselves with a fresh attitude in faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.