

12th February

BUDDHISM teaches "attaining Buddhahood without changing your original state". This means that we ordinary people in the nine states of being can attain Buddhahood as we are, in our original states. We can attain a state of absolute happiness, here, now, in the midst of this very life.

TO be swayed by one's destiny is most regrettable. However, when you continue to chant daimoku to the Gohonzon sincerely, you will develop the wisdom to change yourself for the better and build a life that is directed towards happiness. This is in accord with the principle of "substituting faith for wisdom" (ishin daie).

HAUGHTINESS and harsh language or behaviour are evidence of one's lack of culture. In Buddhism, those who are wise are termed human beings, while those who are foolish and vain are naught but animals.

THERE may be some people who, for one reason or another, have no room in their hearts to enjoy the beauty of flowers. They come home from work, complain about their day and go to sleep. We can try to help them change their mindset by drawing their attention to the beauty of flowers or of a work of art. That often is enough to get them to open their hearts and minds to all sorts of new possibilities.

WORDS are very important. Leaders in particular must be very careful about what they say. Words are decisive. As it said in the Gosho, "The voice does the Buddha's work." (Gosho Zenshu, p400) Our words reveal our character, our wisdom and our attitude towards life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.