

5th February

NEVER allow yourself to be spoiled, for that way inevitably leads to defeat in life. You must deepen your faith and polish your life while studying and experiencing repeated struggles.

BUDDHISM is primarily concerned with victory or defeat. Life is a contest. In a contest you can only win or lose; it must be one or the other. If you lose, no manner of excuses will make up for it. Complaining will only make you unhappier.

WHEN we encounter obstacles and persecution, it is all the more crucial that we exert ourselves with even greater determination. The more tempestuous the wind that buffets us, the more we must press on with even stronger faith and conviction. This is the behaviour of a true disciple of Nichiren Daishonin.

"TREASURING the Gosho" does not mean never touching it and leaving it closed all the time! Nichiren Daishonin taught that embracing the Gohonzon is itself enlightenment. Having faith in the Gohonzon is fundamental. And, in fact, only through strong faith that seamlessly fused with study of the Gosho can we truly be enlightened and accomplish our human revolution.

OUR study of Buddhism is something that is deepened and strengthened with the passing of times as we grow in faith and life experience. The efforts you are making to study the teachings of Buddhism now are certain to illuminate your lives, not only in this existence, but for all eternity.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.