

12th March

FAITH is not for anyone but yourself – it is all for you. Working to spread the Daishonin's teachings, devoting yourself to chanting daimoku, and studying doctrine while you are young are all tasks that will transform your life into a garden of blessings and merits.

BRINGING forth one's wisdom and breaking through deadlocks in difficult or trying times is precisely the kind of challenges that allows us to cultivate strong conviction and depth of character. In a life of nothing but fair skies and tranquil seas, we cannot hope to forge great conviction or outstanding strength of character.

HAVING intense emotions enables you to understand the feelings of others. It is not a bad thing to be passionate, but if it is driven by egotism and hurts others, it can be dangerous. The point is, you must have self discipline. And that comes from chanting daimoku, from developing a strong life force.

THERE are many paths in life. Paths leading to celebrity. Paths leading to fame. Paths leading to high social standing. And the list goes on. But where do we find the path to attaining Buddhahood? It is found only in efforts to expand the flow of kosen-rufu.

IT is vital that those in positions of responsibilities proportionately deepen their faith; love and protect and guide others; and strive to progress one step further in their personal development. Remember that because you have seniors, you were able to open your eyes to faith yourself.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood.