

18th March

THE Gosho stated that "the suffering of hell will vanish instantly". So long as you have ever-advancing faith, you will definitely erase your evil karma, change your destiny and enter a state of life in which all your desires are unmistakably fulfilled. Confident in this, please continue to chant abundant daimoku, always advancing another step with pure and gallant faith.

THOUGH we may speak of winning, there are various stages in life. No doubt some of you are now engaged in painful struggles with no signs of victory in sight. Still, you do not have to be discouraged in the least. What is important is gaining final victory. And it is towards this end that you carry through with faith.

A person of seeking spirit is always youthful, always full of joy, always vigourous. People with seeking minds humbly examine themselves, and strive to develop their lives. Through such efforts, they are able to develop great characters. A genuine Buddhist and genuine member of SGI is one who always lives vibrantly and continually advances through life with a seeking mind.

LIFE is long. There is no need to be impatient or in a hurry. The important thing is to steadily and surely build a solid self. Especially since you uphold faith in the Mystic Law, no matter what may happen, you can propel everything into the very best possible direction. Please advance with that conviction.

WHO is a youth? It is not simply a question of age. A youth is someone who keeps progressing day after day. A person who advances is a youth in the truest sense. If we lack the spirit to advance, we are old at heart, no matter how young we may be in years. Moreover, the Mystic Law is the font of perennial youth and eternal life. It allows us to make our way through the three existences of past, present and future with infinite life force.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood.