

5th April

MEETINGS between people are very important in life. In a sense, life is a succession of meetings with many individuals. Some meetings will be forgotten as time passes, but some can instantly become an impetus to change your life. Therefore, we should always try to attach the utmost importance when meeting with people.

ONLY when you thoroughly polish your life does your true self become manifest, and the diamond of individuality shine forth from the depths of your being. This "flowering of humanity" is certainly not something that can be attained on the level of politics or economics; even education has certain limitations. Herein lies the profound significance of your practice of faith, which cultivates and polishes our life itself.

WHEN you yourself stand with deep and invincible faith, you will be able to overcome everything, no matter what situation you may find yourself in. You can be victorious in all things when you yourself change, grow, and take on responsibility. Everything boils down to you yourself.

FAITH enables us to attain the kind of generous and all-embracing state of mind where we can enjoy everything in our lives. As Nichiren Daishonin said, faith in the Mystic Law is the "greatest of all joys". (Gosho Zenshu, p 788)

IT is an illusion to think that we can find happiness by going to some other place, far away from our present reality. Our happiness is determined by our mindset. If we resolve that the place where we are right now is the perfect place for carrying out our Buddhist practice, and if we challenge ourselves there, then that place will become the "Capital of Eternally Tranquil Light". It will shine as a bright citadel of happiness.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Letter to the Brothers.