

7th May

FAITH is the fundamental source of vitality. Do not be defeated by a slump in faith. It is important to strive in chanting daimoku, and in association with one’s fellow believers. Although we speak of activities for kosen-rufu, the benefit of all such efforts ultimately returns to oneself.

BUDDHISM expounds the principle that “earthly desires are enlightenment”. In like manner it may well be said that hardships are benefits. As long as you maintain faith in the Gohonzon, you can definitely make your problems and sufferings the springboard towards great happiness.

THE question is whether or not prayer is at the basis of your action. Both a sense of responsibility and compassion are manifested in prayer. Action without prayer is nothing but an artifice.

NICHIREN DAISHONIN said, “Do not expect good times but take the bad times for granted” (WND, p998). If you engrave this teaching in your life, you will have nothing to fear. Nor will you ever become deadlocked. The important thing is to take that first step. If you barely overcome one small fear, it will give you the courage to take on the next one.

WHETHER or not one has attended this or that school is a trivial matter when viewed from the cosmic scope of Buddhism. Please take pride in the fact that you are studying in the eternal university if life, which teaches the supreme law of cause and effect – the Mystic Law – and the way to lead lives of absolute freedom.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Letter to the Brothers.