

10th June

ONE who continues to chant abundant daimoku to the Gohonzon will accumulate eternal good fortune and establish an everlasting condition of joy within his life. In other words, through Buddhist practice, you can create the fundamental cause which leads to indestructible happiness. Therefore, you must absolutely never abandon your faith.

BUDDHISM is the source of an eternally vigorous and fresh spirit. It revives a life that is parched and exhausted and enables powerful life force to well forth. Even when you are in a deadlock, it opens a path of infinite hope. This is the world of the Mystic Law and the world of faith. However, no matter how wonderful and correct Buddhism might be, unless you immerse yourself in the pure flow of faith, you will not be able to tap such power.

WE are able to change suffering into a source of enlightenment and happiness in accordance with the Buddhist principle of “earthy desires are enlightenment”. The greater our suffering and sorrow, the greater happiness into which it can be transformed. Such is the power of daimoku.

OUR prayers are answered only to the extent that we exert ourselves to realize the Buddha’s wish for the happiness of all humanity. The Gohonzon (Mystic Law) has no obligation to answer our prayers. It has not asked us to chant to it. We request the privilege of being allowed to pray to the Gohonzon. If we have such a sense of gratitude and appreciation, our prayers will be answered more quickly.

OUR families are an important foundation of our daily lives. When we ensure that our families are solid and secure, everyone in the family can exert themselves wholeheartedly for kosen-rufu. And it is women who take on a large part of this important responsibility. In families, where the women are firmly grounded, the men will be likewise. On the other hand, when the men are firmly grounded but the women are not, then, more often than not, both of them will suffer. The power of women is immense.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Opening of the Eyes.