

13th June

CLIMBING over mountains and making our way through the valleys is what makes hiking interesting. The walking may be challenging but it allows us to experience wonderful vistas and arrive, in the end, at our destination. Simply flying to the spot is boring. The same is true of life.

THE Gosho stated, “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest of all joys.” Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law that moves the universe. It enables you to reveal the most joyful, dynamic condition of life. Because we chant this great daimoku everyday, we can always live with joyful vitality. Therefore, we should naturally live our lives youthfully, no matter what.

ONCE you make a resolve, courage and wisdom will well forth. Even with things that one said to be impossible, you do not know whether they are until you try for yourself. No matter what others may say, it starts with you. I hope you will be people with such strong resolution.

IN our world of faith dedicated to the achievement of kosen-rufu, all who resolutely continue to chant daimoku are ultimately victorious – all without fail attaining a state of life of absolute happiness, in other words, the state of Buddhahood. Basically, if you remember this point, your life will be secure for all eternity.

FROM the standpoint of the eternity of our lives, because we embrace the Mystic Law everything is moving in a positive direction, everything contributes to our happiness and our attainment of Buddhahood. We need to have confidence in the Mystic Law; we must not be swayed by immediate circumstances or allow them to cloud our faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.