

15th June

WHERE can we find the key for turning our lives in a positive direction? Absolutely vital in this question is the philosophy of human revolution. Human revolution offers only the certain path to happiness and victory in life. Human revolution means transforming our lives from unhappiness to happiness.

WHAT is human revolution? When a person has spent all his time playing and goofing suddenly starts to study, that is human revolution. When a person who has hardly opened the Gosho begins to read it; when a person who did not work very hard gets up early and starts to work – these, too, are human revolution.

THERE are no Buddhas who suffer in poverty forever. And just as there are no cruel or malicious Buddhas, so too are there no weak, pallid Buddhas who allow life to defeat them. A Buddha is another name for a person who is determined to win no matter what.

A person who loves youth and lives side by side with young people is forever youthful. On the other hand, one who thinks only of himself as worthy respect and looks down on young people, or fails to foster and care for them, will not enjoy the support of others and will end up lonely and forlorn. Such a person is unable to develop true wisdom or character.

IN the event of illness, a person with weak faith will be carried away by devilish influences. Such a person’s life will then become impure, and he may finally lose faith entirely. A person of strong faith will be able to gaze directly at his own unhappiness and boldly overcome it with abundant daimoku.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.