

16th July

WHEN we ask ourselves what are the most crucial issues facing humankind in the 21st century, it is clear that a central challenge will be to establish on a global scale a robust philosophy of reverence for life, a philosophy that is consistently and clearly focused on the human being. This is the only certain mean of breaking free of the chain of spirals of killing, slaughter and hatred that bind us. Only in this way can we create a world lit by the inherent dignity of all people, a world in which all people may equally savour the fruits of happiness and peace.

TRUE joy is to be found in working for kosen-rufu, in practicing and taking action for the happiness of oneself and others. The greatest joy in life is to be found in SGI activities. Our activities for kosen-rufu become memories that shine ever more brilliantly in our lives as tie goes by.

IT is through our tenacious efforts that we are able to develop our true ability. And it is the power of faith that enables us to continually maintain such efforts. Moreover, faith enables us to cultivate the life force and good fortune needed to manifest our true ability to the fullest. Without both innate ability and tenacious efforts, one can accomplish little.

I also place high value on personal initiative. Spontaneity underlies the spirit of autonomy and independence; conversely, taking action because one is told to amounts to slavery to the spirit. Kosen-rufu will be advanced by brave people armed with the spirit of independence who voluntarily strive to fulfill the vow they make at the time of kuon ganjo.

THOSE who, on all occasions, sincerely endeavour to learn are free of arrogance and desire for fame. They are people of wisdom who can stride with confidence on the great path of justice.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.