

16th August

NICHIREN DAISHONIN wrote: “Though we may experience suffering for a time, in the end we will savour joy.” (Gosho Zenshu, p1565) No matter what suffering and pain you may encounter in life’s journey, you can ultimately transform it all into joy. This is the quintessence of faith.

PRECISELY because our lives are endowed with the world of Buddhahood, it is possible for us to believe in the Lotus Sutra. And when we summon forth the power of faith and believe in the Lotus Sutra, we can liberate the power of the world of Buddhahood inherent in our lives and channel it into creating value. Our continual practice then enables us to display the power of the world of Buddhahood all the more strongly.

LIFE is bright and cheerful if you always try to see things in a positive light, and move in a positive direction. To always moping around with a gloomy expression on one’s face or with a face set in lines of complaint and discontentment, or to only do things grudgingly, without enthusiasm, is a joyless and tedious way of life.

WHEN we speak of showing actual proof, it does not mean we have to try to put on a show of being in any way more knowledgeable or accomplished than we are. It is my hope that, in the manner that best suits your unique situation, you will show proof of validity of this Buddhism by making steady improvements in your daily life and polishing your character, and also in your family, place of work and community.

WHEN one prays earnestly to the Gohonzon with a mind of faith, all the problems occurring in the realities of daily life – that is, the sufferings arising from the illusions or as the effects of bad karma – can be perceived as, and actually transformed into, influences leading to enlightened wisdom and benefit. This great road of happiness lies in our daily life, based upon faith.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.