

25th August

YOU may now be faced with a situation in which, because of various problems and obstacles, you are unable to advance as you wish. However, your present painstaking efforts definitely ensure that you will experience great development in the future.

EVEN though people may polish their face, they tend to neglect to polish their lives. While they quietly wash off a stain from their face, they remain unconcerned about stains in their lives.

THROUGH the power of faith, and based on the Buddhist principle that “earthly desires are enlightenment”, we can transform all our problems and sufferings into happiness and joy. Also by “substituting faith for wisdom”, our faith functions as the ultimate source of wisdom. The stronger our faith, the richer the wisdom that comes to govern our actions. This is how true people of faith strive to live.

A Buddhist must have a spirit as indomitable as a wall of solid rock. Weakness is malign and injurious to our cause. We must have a spirit as strong as steel and the heart of a lion. Indomitable faith and unflagging courage give us the capacity to embrace others with limitless warmth and compassion. True kindness to others must always be backed by inner strength.

SOCIETY is moving forward day by day, and it is a constant challenge to keep up with the pace of change. Apathy is the path to defeat. The bureaucratic mentality that tends to take root in organizations is the source of all evils.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.