

4th August

FREEDOM is not some abstract notion, separate from our lives. It is not something given to us by others. Nor is it something that belongs only to certain people and not to others. Freedom is something that ordinary people living in society must, by becoming wise and strong, win for themselves, day after day. From a certain perspective, our SGI activities can be described as a spiritual struggle to win freedom required to live decent human lives.

EVERYTHING is always changing; only the indestructible unchanging thing is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. If you chant daimoku, you are guaranteed to open new opportunities. You will achieve an unsurpassed state of being.

ULTIMATELY, the most important thing is to keep your enthusiasm for kosen-rufu burning brightly throughout your life, to continue your battle of faith, never being defeated by devilish forces. If you stop making progress, your life will stagnate. But if you press ahead energetically, the devilish functions will disperse.

THERE is surely no more exhilarating a life than one in which we write our own unique history of human revolution each day. And the growth and transformation we achieve in this way can convince people of the greatness of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism more eloquently than anything else.

KOSEN-RUFU is the loftiest form of human diplomacy. It is a struggle of communicating the highest truth and justice. These are turbulent times. We must not be careless or negligent. As the saying goes, “You must keep up your guard, even after a victory.” To engage in a struggle is to exert oneself to the fullest extent. As long as our hearts continue to burn with this spirit, the SGI will develop boundlessly.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.