

11th September

THE first freedom that humanity must aim for in the 21st century is “freedom from violence”. Violence is not acceptable in any form – whether war or terrorism or violence in society or the home. All our thoughts and actions must demonstrate a respect for the sanctity of life. Nor can we permit violent speech or “terrorism of words” that violates human rights.

LISTEN to what they have to say and offer even just a few words of encouragement. That is all it may take for the flame of “life” to spring up anew in the heart of someone who is suffering deeply. Just knowing that someone cares about them causes their “life-space” to expand.

ALL sorts of things happen in life. That is what makes life so interesting and exciting. If nothing even happened in our life, it would be empty and lackluster. We would not experience joy nor would we grow. The important thing is to strive full of energy and good cheer, placing complete trust in the Daishonin and in the teachings of Gosho.

BUDDHISM manifests itself in society. To value the True Law is the same as to value society. You must not discount society. Unless you value the society you live in, you will never be a success in it.

WE must be keenly aware that when a person is suffering from a weak spirit, from sickness, or from other problems, encouragement is extremely important. Even a single word of heartfelt encouragement may change a person’s entire life for the better.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.