

17th September

ACTIONS are based on suffering and those based on joy are as different as fire and water. No matter what, please promote joy-filled activities for kosen-rufu.

ALL people seek happiness, but with mixed results. That is why the Mystic Law, the principle which leads to right happiness, is necessary.

OUR lives are enriched and we ourselves experience great joy when we encourage and support each other, when we build bonds of trust between ourselves and others. An organization in which all members get along with one another will accumulate good fortune.

GENUINE communication and understanding are formed through personal contact and dialogue. People will place their trust in those whose words are genuine and relevant, and be inspired to work together with those individuals, confident that in doing so they will be able to realize peace and build a better, happier world.

AS Buddhist leaders, it is vital that we reach out and meet with others. In particular, I hope you will actively make a point of meeting with new members. I say this because Buddhism comes alive in just such encounters. In his writings, Nichiren Daishonin emphasizes again and again the importance of meeting directly with others.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.