

19th September

IN the course of our efforts to widely spread the correct teachings of Buddhism, it is only to be expected that the three obstacles and four devils will make their appearance. That is the time when youth should loudly proclaim the justice of our cause, when they should let forth a mighty lion’s roar. “Advancing bravely and vigorously” should be the perennial spirit of the SGI Youth Division.

NO matter how hopeless or bleak things appear, the moment always comes when suddenly the spirit is revived, and hope reborn. That is why one must never give up, and certainly never attempt anything as drastic as suicide.

ONCE people understand something from the heart, they will take action on their own initiative. Action that is self-motivated is joyful. The spirit of joy produces benefit; it produces results. Guidance that is one-sided, theories that no one else can understand and talk that is unsubstantiated, cannot possibly touch people’s hearts.

THERE is neither the slightest waste in our efforts, nor any contradiction between one’s own interests and those of society. In the world of faith, individual happiness and the common good are inseparable. Faith is the perfect path and enables us to fulfill the tasks of accomplishing the widespread propagation of the Mystic Law and attaining Buddhahood at the same time.

WHAT is the significance of reading the gosho? It lies in deepening one’s faith and preventing oneself from backsliding. The reasons why we read and study writings like “The Opening of the Eyes” are that by doing so, we are able to come into contact with Nichiren Daishonin’s boundless life-condition and thereby build a solid foundation for our own faith. Therefore, I would like to ask you to continue reading the gosho on a steady basis.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.