

28th September

WHAT is the correct practice for us as practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism in modern times? It is propagating the Mystic Law. Nichiren Daishonin repeatedly emphasised that wide propagation of Nichiren Buddhism is the practice suited to the Latter Day of the Law.

TO get the results you are praying for, it is crucial to make determined, single-minded efforts towards that goal. That is the true path of manifesting faith in daily life. Those of you who proceed along this path day after day, year after year, will develop without fail – just like saplings growing into mighty trees – into people of outstanding strength and character as time goes by.

THE Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin expounds that Buddhahood is inherent and eternal within our own lives and that, therefore, the Land of Eternally Tranquil Light always exists where we are right now. Wherever we are, whatever our position, if we can accept the situation and remain determined to struggle on gladly, we will be undefeated. Those who can do this savour lives of glory and victory. In contrast, people with tiny, petty minds are full of complaints. Such people live lives of defeat and self-destruction.

DO not fret over little things. Enjoy your lives, enjoy your youth, and boldly move forward.

FAITH is like a mirror in which you can see your true self. It is a mirror for polishing your character. As you devote yourself to the Gohonzon and continue to polish your faith, you will come to know yourself naturally.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.