

29th October

THE path of kosen-rufu is the path walked by Nichiren Daishonin. It is the supreme path of happiness. Let us cheerfully and wisely advance in harmony along this path as we steadily expand the scope of our kosen-rufu movement.

WHERE is joy found? Mahatma Gandhi declared, "Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself." It is exhilarating to win but the challenges we encounter and surmount along the way bring an even greater sense of fulfilment. True joy is found in struggle.

BENEFIT in the Latter Day of the Law is fundamentally inconspicuous in nature. A sapling grows larger year after year, and then, when certain conditions are met, it bursts into bloom – not one or two branches, but the entire tree. Similarly, by continuing to make assiduous efforts we will become champions of eternal victory whose lives are replete with benefit and good fortune. It is towards this end that we exert ourselves in our daily Buddhist practice. Those who make tenacious efforts advance; they make strides in their human revolution.

WHETHER scholar, a politician or a millionaire – all are human beings. Moreover, as the Daishonin stressed over and over again, in front of the Gohonzon, everyone is equal. No discrimination exists – nor must it be allowed to exist. The realm of Buddhism is an egalitarian and democratic one, where all human beings are equal.

THOSE who practise Buddhism should be strictly warned against committing slander, and they should guard closely against arrogance. It is most dangerous for one who practises Buddhism to vainly exhaust his/her inner life-force by giving free rein to his arrogant mind.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Persecution by Sword and Staff.