

8th October

WHAT matters most is whether or not, at the end of your life, you can enjoy a peaceful and unbounded condition which enables you to say with confidence that you have left nothing undone and have not a single regret, that you have won in life and are filled with the deepest possible satisfaction – the proof of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

THERE is no one as happy as one who has engraved a link with his teacher in his heart. There is no way of life more praiseworthy than fulfilling your vows to your teacher. This is my own true and incontrovertible conviction as one who has embraced Mr Toda as his teacher in life.

THOSE who work hard and undergo many painful struggles grow and develop. They triumph in the end. Only through hardship are brilliant “gems” forged. Young people have the energy to give their all. When we give our all to the issues before us, we can forge character and build a firm and unshakeable life.

EACH of you is infinitely precious. Therefore, please treat yourself with utmost respect. Please do not follow a path that will cause you suffering but take the road that is best for your well-being. Only a person whose spirit has been tempered and enlightened through long and varied struggles in the course of his daily life can be said to possess real youthfulness and inner fortitude.

THE truly great do not seek greatness for themselves; they seek to enable others to realise greatness. It is the responsibility of seniors to protect and work for the welfare of their juniors, and to foster them into people even more capable than themselves.

NOTE: New! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Persecution by Sword and Staff.