

4th November

BUDDHISM is concerned with the present and the future. Instead of looking back at the past, we should always live our lives gazing from the present towards the future. No matter what great things we may have achieved in the past, we must not allow ourselves, now or in the future, to become people who succumb to criticism and complaint, to stray from the correct path, and cause trouble to our fellow members and the SGI as a whole. We will become losers if we do so.

IT is perfectly fine for you to speak about Buddhism from the heart, in your own words, in a very natural way, just as you are. The purpose of faith is not to make you look good in the eyes of others. To have compassion for others means sincerely praying and working for others’ happiness, no matter how they may regard you.

BUDDHISM does not exist removed from actual society, nor does it exist removed from human beings. Just shouting about the righteous of True Buddhism in a loud voice will not gain it ready understanding among others. Quite to the contrary, it may have a deleterious effect by actually alienating people from the path of Buddhism. Such behaviour goes against the spirit of the Daishonin, who bequeathed us the task of realising kosen-rufu.

THE important thing is to decide clearly the arena of the mission to which you will commit your life. The life of one who fails to decide this ultimately remains incomplete.

IN faith, the way to become a Buddha lies in making persistent effort. If we abandon efforts to develop our lives midway, then we cannot become truly happy. Those who persevere will be victorious. Those who are unflagging in their efforts will win in the end.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Persecution by Sword and Staff.