

6th November

THE practice of chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon sends the radiation of the Mystic Law, so to speak, into one's being, life and society. While accumulating good fortune for oneself, it cuts off one's devilish workings at the root.

IT is important that we win the trust and acceptance of others. Embracing the supreme Law enables us to manifest our character to its fullest brilliance. This is what Buddhism is all about. While polishing the shining jewel of our own humanity, we have been helping more and more people understand True Buddhism.

WHAT is the secret to helping young people develop their potential? It is important not to take them to task unreasonably. There are also times when praise alone will not adequately move people’s hearts. While on occasion it is important that we give our juniors specific advice and direction, it is even more important that we work with them and together take action for kosen-rufu.

THERE is no limit to how widely we can open the path of kosen-rufu through words and our voice. Our struggle requires us to speak out. Therefore, we must not begrudge employing our voice and using words. Polishing ourselves so that we may speak in a way that is pleasant and refreshing and be wise in our choice of expressions is also an important part of our Buddhist practice.

NO one becomes great without a struggle. All of life is a struggle. Only those who have faced and triumphed over adversity possess genuine greatness; without this struggle, no matter how famous or celebrated one may be, any claim to greatness is merely an empty facade.

THE function of our organisation is to enable us to support and encourage one another so that we each maintain the “axial rotation” of our personal practice, and our broader “orbital revolution” of working with and for others, and thus never veer from the proper orbit in life.

NOTE: NEW! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.