

8th November

ADVANCING kosen-rufu comes down to propagating the teaching. Through such efforts, we are laying the foundation for an age of the people. Those who can actually expand kosen-rufu are genuine leaders. Those who cannot, lack courage and are self-centred.

NO matter what might happen, the reason for all our problems and difficulties is so that we can show actual proof of the validity of faith. Once we realise this, confidence and courage, the sense that "there's no way that I cannot resolve this problem", wells forth from our lives. The greater our sufferings, the greater the actual proof that we can show, and the more magnificent the "drama of mission" we can perform.

HUMAN beings possess an innate and undeniable instinct for prayer. Religion first came into being in response to this. Prayer did not come into existence because of religion; it was the other way round. Prayer in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism - chanting daimoku to the Gohonzon - directly fuses all of our diverse prayers with reality, based on the universal law of life. In short, religion came into being out of human desire for happiness.

ACCORDING to the teachings of Buddhism, there is always a sign of tiding of a future event, followed by its actual manifestation or occurrence. This is true of both good and evil. The wise person is one who is keenly alert of those little signs and uses them to nip evil in the bud and encourage the first sprouts of good.

GUIDANCE is not merely encouragement. It begins with mercy (“Jihi”) and enables another person to gain absolute confidence.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.