

12th December

GONGYO is a solemn ceremony. When we do gongyo, we open wide the doors of the treasure storehouse within; we mine the dynamic well-spring of life force that lies dormant in the vast inner reaches of our being; we tap an inexhaustible source of wisdom, compassion and courage.

EARNEST voices arising from the depths of our lives are certain to reach the hearts of others. When we are in high spirits, those around us also become energised. When we are full of life and vigour, we will be able to spread joy to others.

WHETHER in an organisation, one’s own life, or some undertaking, regardless of how solid and strong things may appear, the slightest error may cause everything to come crashing down in an instant. Ruin begins with complacency and arrogance that accept even more minor blunders. It is a leader’s responsibility to deal with such problems quickly and appropriately without overlooking the slightest details. Each of these instances represents an important crossroad on which future development hinges. We must never forget this.

A car that does not run has no value. Life becomes meaningful only when one strives to become happy. It is natural for human beings to contribute in some way to the society in which they live. Through our actions of faith and practice, in other words, shakubuku and other activities to spread Buddhism, we can contribute to society in a most fundamental way.

RICH or poor, a lofty spirit remains a lofty one. Mean spirited people become increasingly so, the more prosperous they become. It is those who possess lofty who are truly noble people. It has nothing to do with status or position.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.