

5th December

BUDDHISM is a struggle. Life is a struggle. It is struggle that makes life interesting. Since struggle is inevitable, we ought to enjoy it. Those who strive for kosen-rufu become healthy. Victory is itself happiness. All our efforts in faith return to us as eternal good fortune and benefit.

TO embrace the Gohonzon, which embodies the fundamental, boundless and magnificent law of the universe, is to enjoy ultimate power and satisfaction, far greater than any amount of wealth or any social status can provide.

THOSE who share the philosophy and ideals of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism with as many people as possible are victors in life. Our victory is determined by how much energy we put into caring for the members and working for their welfare. Only by forging close unity with all kinds of people and helping them advance towards kosen-rufu can we ourselves be victorious.

IN the final analysis, the lives of those who lead a self-centred existence, merely doing as they please and avoiding difficulties, lack direction just like an airplane that is flying off course. Not only do such people fail to become happy themselves, but they actually destroy the happiness of others.

LIFE is a drama. Dramas can be broadly divided into those with happy endings and those with sad or tragic endings. Similarly, depending on its ending, a person’s life can be termed as having been either happy or sad. To envy or ridicule others solely on the basis of their lives up to a certain point indicates a lack of understanding odf the reality of life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.