

17th January

WHAT other people think of you should not be the object of your concern. What is important is how you evaluate yourself and how much pride you can derive from your own life. As you live your life sincerely according to your beliefs, you can exemplify the most valuable way of living to your own existence.

PROPRIETY refers to acknowledging and respecting the existence of others. Our world is an aggregation of many different people and nations, each with its own cultures and traditions, which forms the core of national identity. Acknowledging and making effort to understand and respect different cultures is the basis for peaceful co-existence.

CERTAINLY, our daily reality is an unending succession of change. However, we who chant the daimoku of the Mystic Law and are dedicated to advancing kosen-rufu do not surrender ourselves to the eddying tides of impermanence that lead to suffering. Instead, by turning all changes into an impetus for accumulating eternal good fortune, we lead lives replete with joy.

OUR voice is an expression of our life force. That is why our voice is so important. It is vital, therefore, that we speak out with confidence, dignity and the courage of lions, and to fearlessly refute with razor sharp reasoning, the slanderous accusations levelled against us. This is the path that leads to the progress of kosen-rufu.

YOU are all emissaries of the Buddha. Whatever your situation or circumstances, you have a mission. You will attain happiness without fail. I hope that, no matter what obstacles you face, you will continue to advance calmly, enjoying everything you encounter in life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.