

5th January

WHEN we chant and exert ourselves for kosen-rufu, we can block negative, destructive forces from entering our lives and allow the positive, protective forces of the universe to enter instead. Please chant with strong conviction, as if calling, "Brahma, Shakra, the gods of the Sun and the Moon, enter my life and put your power to work!"

BY dedicating ourselves to Buddhism, we transform our lives into "gold". Inept and unworthy though we may think we are, our lives come to shine with supreme brilliance and will remain so eternally. That is why Nichiren Daishonin urges us to strive earnestly in our practice of faith.

HAPPINESS is ultimately determined by oneself alone, not by others. To base one's happiness on how one appears to the world is to live in a "provisional" way, only chasing after illusions. In contrast, to live in accord with the "true" or "essential" way of life is to determine by oneself: "I did my best. I am satisfied. I have won." These two ways of life are as different as heaven and earth, and water and fire.

LIFE without philosophy, without belief, is indeed both vulnerable and fleeting. Swept along in the current of times, such a life drifts aimlessly. One's soul knows no rest, preoccupied with the immediate and the transience of other people's opinions.

NO one can avoid the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness and death. It is the Mystic Law that is capable of eliminating suffering equally from the lives of all people. For this reason, it is our responsibility to teach all mankind the power and benefit of the Gohonzon which embodies the Mystic Law.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.