

16th February

BUDDHISM is about winning; to live with unshakeable confidence and speak out fearlessly like lions for justice and truth; to uphold the correct teaching of Buddhism, come what may. People who live with this spirit will win in the end. Nichiren Daishonin teaches a way of life that vividly demonstrates this truth.

HUMANISM is not some grand, high sounding theory. It is having faith in human beings and forging links with others. This is true humanism. In other words, it is making friends.

A golden vessel does not leak. One who practises the Mystic Law - like a water-tight golden vessel - is able to daily accumulate good fortune that will adorn one's life eternally. For this reason, we must on no account allow the pure water of our faith to be polluted by slander or disbelief.

CONSISTENCY is a crucial component of faith. Faith in this Buddhism will enable us to attain enlightenment in this lifetime. If we maintain faith like flowing water throughout our entire lives and exert ourselves in daily life, we will before we know it, be carried towards the great ocean of happiness and good fortune that encompasses the three existences of past, present and future.

STAND alone. Never be swept along by force of habit. Build a solid core in each individual.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.