

21st February

FAITH can be either strong or weak, deep or shallow. Only through strong, deep faith can one develop great joy and great confidence. He/she can also make himself/herself shine throughout his/her life with such faith.

THE issue of birth and death is the most important issue for human beings, for whom death is inescapable. Only when we base ourselves on a true view of life - one which clarifies this problem of birth and death - can we have a proper perspective on life, society and the world.

A person whose heart is continually swayed by such occurrences as becoming a leader, failing to do so, being strictly scolded, or warmly praised, cannot be said to have faith; nor can a person who takes his/her position or status for granted and grows decadent.

REVERE the Gohonzon as the fundamental basis of your life, reach out to it and take your problems to it as naturally as a child reaches to his/her mother. When you are suffering or when you are sad, there is no need to put on a good face or pretend everything is alright; just chant daimoku exactly as you are, unreservedly giving expression to the feelings in your heart.

THOUGH we may seem to be chanting alone, we are not. As we chant, untold billions of heavenly deities are facing the Gohonzon with us. In this way, the protective forces of the universe assemble en masses and work to safeguard each one of you, manifesting in your environment as the actions of the people near you, the actions of your friends and fellow members.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.