

8th February

WE are who we are. Our life is our own. It is important that we discard a cowardly animalistic way of life - where we are always worried about what others say or do or about how we might appear to others - and instead live with confidence and conviction.

THIS lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable. To live without regret, it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves. It is equally important that we keep moving towards those specified targets steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time.

THOSE whose faith continues to move forward actively seek out and meet new people, spreading their circle of friendship. Those who have stopped growing, in contrast, become cowardly and close themselves off in their own shells.

THE progress of kosen-rufu, too, is in one respect a fierce battle of wisdom. A great wisdom is naturally inherent in a single-minded faith. A wisdom that actually expands our perspective and creates value is itself a crucial demonstration of faith.

WE were born onto the stage of this polluted world of the Latter Day of the Law, cherishing an earnest wish for the spread of Myoho. The Daishonin stated, "The three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat." Because we practise faith, obstacles will naturally appear. Then, if we read this passage from the standpoint of faith, we can feel joy in the depths of our lives.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, On Reprimanding Hachiman.