

19th May

NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO is the fundamental law that purifies every aspect of one’s life. It is like an excellent medicine. Just as a single match can ignite a fire that spreads limitlessly through a plain of grass, when one does gongyo and chants daimoku before the Gohonzon, even the deeply entrenched karmic causes of past slander will be expelled before the “great wind” of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the “flame” of Myoho.

THERE is no resting in the practice of faith. Until you arrive at the land of eternal truth, that is, attain Buddhahood in this lifetime, you must unremittingly advance in the way of faith. Though you may be heartlessly criticized and may be assailed by storms of destiny, you must continue to advance step by step, never allowing yourself to be defeated.

ONE of the Buddha’s titles is Nonin, “He who can forbear”. To courageously endure, persevere and overcome all difficulties – the Buddha is the ultimate embodiment of the virtue of forbearance. The power of faith gives us the strength to weather and survive any storm. Being able to persevere is the essence of a Buddha.

IF we keep our efforts even when the going is tough, we will earn respect. The important thing is to persevere in the path you have chosen, irrespective of how difficult circumstances may become or how others around you may change. Those who can do this will emerge as champions and victors in life. They will win in the end. Such people also make true friends.

THE SGI is an organization of truth and sincerity. As such, our efforts are guaranteed to bear fruit, without fail. On the other hand, petty, unscrupulous people who try to engineer the downfall of those working for truth and justice are bound to suffer ruin in the end. The Chinese philosopher, Hsun-Tzu said, “One who scorns the just and vilifies the sincere may wish to escape ruin but most certainly cannot.” These are the insightful words of one of the world’s great thinkers.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Opening of the Eyes.