

20th May

WHETHER in suffering or in joy, even in the face of an insurmountable deadlock, if one continues to chant daimoku wholeheartedly, then tremendous hope will well up from within.

IN any undertaking, one cannot win if he has a half-hearted attitude. If he does, though for a while it might seem that he can get along satisfactorily, in the end he will definitely suffer destruction and defeat. This is a fact of life. How much more so this is the case in our quest to scale the treacherous peak of kosen-rufu! If our efforts are half-hearted, we will not be able to achieve our lofty goal, nor, individually, can we attain Buddhahood.

UNLESS we are strong, we cannot win in life. Nor can we accomplish kosen-rufu. The essence of our human revolution is to become as strong a human being as possible.

THERE are many people who demonstrate admirable integrity and character. It is a mistake to judge people merely on the basis of whether or not they practice Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. Since there are so many wonderful people who are non-members, it simply means that those of us who are members should strive to develop our humanity and character all the more.

EMBODYING the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin’s writings, we of the SGI have called on thinking people throughout the world to unite and have opened an incomparable path of peace, culture and education. We have brought people together. We have brought the world together. And we have brought diverse cultures together.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Opening of the Eyes.