

21st August

AN organization is needed so that, based on the Gohonzon, we can encourage each other, protect each other, and advance without error on the path of steadfast faith. A consistent practice of gongyo and daimoku is essential.

SOCIETY and daily life are the “great earth” for our faith and practice of the True Law. The steady development of kosen-rufu can be ensured only when, based on faith, we carefully attend to the affairs of society, our daily life and our families. “Faith manifest itself in daily life” – this is our eternal guideline.

FAITH is crucial. Only with the actual practice of chanting daimoku and taking action for kosen-rufu does one’s faith become true and correct and can one reap infinite benefit and blessings.

IF you make the time – for example, 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes at night – you will be able to read a total of 30 minutes a day. You will often find that you read with much greater concentration in those precious moments of time set aside amid busy schedule. It usually leaves a much deeper impression than reading done at a more leisure pace.

THE Gohonzon is neither outside of us, nor in some specific place. It is found within faith. Without faith, we cannot bring forth the life state of Buddhahood. The Gohonzon exists in the lives of all who believe in the Mystic Law, chant daimoku, and work for kosen-rufu; it encompasses all of the treasures of the universe.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.