

22nd August

MANY accidents happen in society. Caution is of course important, but there is a limit to how cautious one can be. Whether one is consciously aware of it or not, the only sure and fundamental precaution is earnest prayer to the Gohonzon.

MIRRORS reflect our outward form. The mirror of Buddhism, however, reveals the intangible aspect of our life. Mirrors, which function by virtue of the laws of light and reflection, are a product of human wisdom. On the other hand, the Gohonzon which, based on the Law of the universe and life itself, makes it possible for us to attain Buddhahood by providing us with means of perceiving the true aspect of our life, in the culmination of the Buddha wisdom.

THERE are no deadlocks when you have faith. Through faith you can overcome any and all problems and eternally advance towards ever more expansive horizons of hope. This is the most wonderful way to live. Hope costs nothing; it is free. Yet at the same time it is life’s most valuable treasure.

WHEN you reach old age, you know in your heart if you are satisfied with your life or not. No one else can know this or decide it for you. The great challenge we face in our rapidly aging society is whether we can honestly say at the end of our days on this earth that our life was well spent.

MEETING others face-to-face is the only way. Meeting in person forges bonds of trust and brings people together. It also plays a vital role in fostering capable people. Our organization has achieved the global development that it has today precisely because we have persistently carried out such one-to-one dialogue. This is the unwavering formula by which the development of our movement unfolds.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.