

19th October

IT is important that our prayers be specific and concrete. Being vague and unfocused when you chant is like shooting an arrow without looking at the target. When you chant, it should be with a strong and passionate resolve to make your prayer a reality. To have the attitude, "If I chant, everything will be all right" is just wishful thinking. Earnest prayer - prayer infused with one's whole heart and being - cannot fail to be communicated to the Gohonzon.

IF you become a leader while you are still young, it is important to listen to the opinions of your seniors. Conversely, if you become a leader when you are already along in years, you must listen to the opinions of those who are younger than you.

IN human relations, we can respond in a way that is sensitive to the feelings of others. If we find someone worrying about something, we go to help without a second thought. In my opinion, a person with the antenna sensitive and receptive to feelings, to beauty, is a truly beautiful person.

THE law of cause and effect in Buddhism is very precise; no good cause you make is wasted. You will reap the full reward of all your efforts for kosen-rufu. Herein lies the inscrutable and mysterious nature of the Mystic Law. As you expand the flow of kosen-rufu, the good fortune and benefit in your lives will increase in direct proportion.

WHAT kind of person demonstrates true human greatness and nobility? It is someone who, no matter what happens, works single-mindedly for kosen-rufu without wavering in the least, and without moaning or complaining. This is what the Gosho teaches. It is also the way of life expounded in the Lotus Sutra.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Persecution by Sword and Staff.