

27th February

THE true stage of your Buddhist practice and action for kosen-rufu is none other than your place of work, your community, or in short, the place where you exist right now. Please have deep conviction that right here is the place where you must exert yourself for the sake of kosen-rufu and for your own enlightenment.

YOU must never be defeated by the struggles that confront you. You must never retreat. You must never be daunted. Your daily activities to make your faith manifest itself in your lives will become solid roots for your victory and happiness over the three existences.

WITHOUT the world of intellect that education opens, religion and faith are in danger of becoming blind. But with the light of intellect produced by education, the spirit of religion also shines with a brighter light.

WHEN we interact with others with true sincerity, the other person will more often than not come to respect and value our own character. And this is all the more so when our actions are based on prayer. Conversely, holding others in contempt only leads to being held in contempt oneself. One whose life is tainted by feelings of hate towards others will come to be reviled by others.

CULTIVATING harmonious relations with and winning the support of people of diverse characters and persuasions are part of our Buddhist practice. This is a necessary pre-condition for the organisation to move forward as a while and for our own individual development and growth. It also enables us to forge a solid self-identity so that we can confidently meet and talk with all kinds of people.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Winter Always Turns To Spring.