

28th February

LIFE is eternal. We have been fortunate enough to embrace the Mystic Law in this lifetime and have a wonderful opportunity to accumulate good fortune. If we do not do so when we can, we will be the ones who lose out. In particular, the good fortune we accumulate through our efforts for kosen-rufu will form the foundation of our eternal happiness. As a result of such efforts, it is absolutely certain that we will be reborn in lifetime after lifetime as Buddhas, as champions of life. For that reason, let’s do our utmost now!

BUDDHISM teaches the principle of the oneness of life and death. Those who deeply study the principles of life and put them into practice will not fear death because they have the ability to attain eternal fulfilment and happiness.

EVERYONE has a unique mission that only they can fulfil. This does not mean, however, that you should sit around and do nothing, waiting for someone to tell you what it is. It is fundamental that you discover your mission on your own.

THE tree provides an apt analogy for life. No matter under what adverse circumstances they might find themselves in, those who have deepened their roots with the determination that the place where they are is the land of their mission will be victorious. Complaining accomplishes nothing.

I am convinced that true religious faith must not be at odds with reason. From the time I was young, I have treasured the words of a philosopher that true religious faith is the extension of reason. True reason seeks true faith, and true faith allows elevated reason to shine in its own light.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, Winter Always Turns To Spring.