

21st May

OUR community is important. Those who work hard in their communities, no matter how tough the challenge, are champions. We can become Buddhas right where we are now. It is a big mistake to think of the large cities as somehow superior to the countryside. I firmly believe that those who triumph in their own community are the true and most human, victors in life.

IT is important for you not to be defeated by the environment. You must not lose faith in yourself. Each of you has a mission in this lifetime that only you can fulfill. Each of you has a life that only you can live and create something of value. Whatever else you may doubt, please do not doubt this.

NO matter how healthy, intelligent or affluent we may be, if our minds are weak, then our happiness will also be frail and brittle. Our mind of faith, however, enables us to bring out the full potential in all things and situations, so it is crucial that we thoroughly strive to forge our mind of faith.

TOTAL commitment is the key to victory. No matter what happens, we must not be daunted; we must not lose, but must ever continue to challenge ourselves and our circumstances. This is what contributes true proof of our following a correct path in life. I hope that you will strongly maintain this attitude of thorough-going belief.

NO obstacles can stand for long when we act with patience and courage and when we pray to the Gohonzon in the spirit of itai doshin (many in body, one in mind). The important point for us is to have absolute conviction in this.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Opening of the Eyes.