

26th June

SIMPLY trying to lead a normal life amid the severe realities of modern society will not enable you to change your karma. Breaking the chains of one’s karma requires great energy similar to the thrust needed by a rocket to break the pull of Earth’s gravity and to be launched into outer space. What provides us with this tremendous power is the Mystic Law.

AS far as the fundamental teachings of Buddhism and the Gosho are concerned, I hope that, regarding them as absolutely correct, you will first and foremost strive to put them into practice. I urge you to do so because this is the shortest route to understanding the essence of Buddhism from the depths of your life.

TAKING care of the tasks at hand is important. The main thing is to make your goals clear and then set about achieving them one by one with steady and thorough efforts. It is only through such continuous efforts that we can open up the path before us. We must also never neglect small details.

BEHIND each of us stand not just four billion years of kindness from the Earth, but the compassion of the entire universe since time without beginning. Therefore you must not slander or devalue your life. Life is the most precious of all treasures. Each of you has been given this invaluable gift and each of you is irreplaceable.

BY working for kosen-rufu, we become healthy; we become filled with vitality and life force. The great path of eternal hope and victory lies in a life dedicated to kosen-rufu.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.