

27th June

BUDDHIST study is not the mere memorization of theory. Your determination to study is an important aspect of your attitude in faith. You must understand that we study to deepen our faith, to promote kosen-rufu and to progress towards our attainment of Buddhahood.

CLIMBING a mountain entails difficulty. And the higher the mountain is, the greater are the difficulties that a climber faces. However, once he reaches the summit, he will be able to savour a state of mind far greater than that attained by those who handily climb lesser peaks.

LIVE your life so that you can declare, “I have no regrets. I enjoyed my life. I encouraged many others and gave them hope. It was a good life.” The original Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, promised us that this will be the result if we practice correctly, following the principle, “Faith manifests itself in daily life.” The words of the Buddha contain no falsehood.

WE need to cultivate a state of life where we can thoroughly enjoy ourselves at all time. We should have such joy that, even at the time of death, we can declare with a happy smile. Such individuals will be reborn without delay, and in a form and in a place exactly according to their desires.

SPEAK out! The way to victory lies in persistent and thorough dialogue. And let us resolutely build a great force of Bodhisattvas of the Earth who will form the foundation for lasting peace for all human kind!

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Three Kinds of Treasure.