

29th June

ACADEMIC achievement and intellectual ability have nothing to do with attaining Buddhahood. The spirit of faith is what counts. Nichiren Daishonin clearly stated: “It is the heart that is important.”

THOSE who do not value the organization are practicing self-centred faith. With such faith, you cannot expect to receive the truly profound benefits of this practice. Working hard within the organization for people’s happiness and welfare is itself truly noble Buddhist practice. Advancing kosen-rufu and defeating devilish forces is the challenge of the Boddhisattvas of the Earth.

A life that is always filled with appreciation is a bright and cheerful one – be it when you are meeting with people, when someone gives you a lift in his car, or when you are at home with your family. Being able to sincerely offer thanks is a sign of living a truly happy life. Where people embody such a sense of appreciation, they send out waves of happiness that envelop both themselves and others.

THE Ongi Kuden stated, “Belief is like the price and wisdom is like the treasure.” For example, with one dollar of belief, you can obtain only one dollar’s worth of wisdom, whereas if you summon forth ten thousand or one million dollar worth of belief, the wisdom and power you can obtain will increase in like measure. Limitless belief gives rise to limitless wisdom.

TO change one’s miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith. Please advance with powerful, courageous faith and deep confidence in the supreme power of the Gohonzon, towards a life filled with happiness, benefits and hope.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, The Kinds of Treasure.