

30th June

I hope you will become the nucleus of efforts to form a truly global family of humanity and further, a global family of humanity that is dedicated to world peace. Please possess this spirit. The important thing is your determination to do so, here and now, just as you are.

SUCCESS, is not a matter of accumulating more of this or that; it is not measured in quantity. It means changing the quality of your life. Wealth, power, fame and knowledge alone cannot make you happy, no matter how much you acquire them. Nor can you take them with you when you die. But by improving the quality of your life you will at last approach true happiness.

THE Daishonin described the Gohonzon as a “cluster of blessings” and went on to state, “The Gohonzon is found in faith alone.” Everything hinges on the strength of one’s faith. If your faith is strong, your life itself will become a cluster of blessings. People of strong faith, therefore, never reach a deadlock. They can transform all situations into benefits, into happiness.

THE Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin expounds that we should not seek a heavenly paradise somewhere outside ourselves. Nor should we seek an emotional escape from reality. The lotus flower of our own life blooms in no other place than in actual society and in our daily existence.

ONE who fails to train his body and mind while young, will in many cases find that his determination and ideals are often destroyed in his later years. Furthermore, it is likely that such a person will turn out to be a complete loser in life.

NOTE: New! Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.