

12th July

TENACITY and effort are what ensure victory – a formula for success that applies as equally to the individual as it does to organizations. Without these two qualities, every struggle is doomed to fail.

THOSE who embrace Buddhism and persevere in faith – even if their lives are quite ordinary – can achieve truly spectacular success in life. On the other hand, those who shrewdly maneuver to get others to work hard, while failing to take any action of their own, are only short-changing themselves.

THE most important people are those in your immediate environment right now. These are the people you must value. The wise person considers the special characteristics of each and every person he or she meets and makes it possible for them to bring out their full potential.

BUDDHISM expounds the principle of honnin-myo or the True Cause. In terms of our attitude in faith, this can be understood as our spirit to always make a fresh departure from the prime point. In other words, we advance with hope and youthful vitality – the vital energy of spring, morning and life –throughout our entire existences.

OUR battle for the sake of the Law is a march towards peace in which we deny the use of any kind of violence or force. This is a “peaceful battle” that enables each and every participant to achieve absolute happiness. In the course of this struggle, though you may at times experience suffering, you will eventually be able to establish indestructible happiness in the depths of your life.

NOTE: Visit for Nichiren Daishonin's gosho, A Gift of Rice.